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Beetroot & Ginger Margarita


In an effort to expand my repertoire of seasonal tequila cocktails this beet recipe was born! The Beetroot + Ginger Margarita is a delicious mix of earthy and sweet – and unlikely combo!

Seasonal Tequila Cocktails - The Beetroot Ginger Margarita

Beet Recipes…Umm, Are Beet Cocktails a Thing Even?

If you’re a regular here you will know that classics with a twist are my thing. And seasonal twists are definitely my favourite. Seasonal projects, seasonal outfits, and especially, seasonal recipes. With the desire to make a seasonal recipe last week I really had no choice but to embrace the plentiful late winter root vegetables. Root vegetables can be made into so many delicious savoury recipes. Smoked carrots, beet chips, and sunchoke soup are just a few that come to mind. But honestly, on this day, I just wasn’t feeling any of that. Naturally, as a cocktail lover, I wanted to take on the challenge of creating a root vegetable cocktail. With beets being one of my favourite vegetables, that seemed like a good place to start.

I have always loved tequila cocktails – margaritas are my fave. I thought that a margarita with a bit of a rooty twist could maybe…just maaaaybe, be delicious. So I set out to give it a try. What I landed on was a classic margarita capped off with a splash of beet juice and a hint of ginger.  Delicious! Or at least I thought so anyway?!

Seasonal Tequila Cocktails - The Beetroot Ginger Margarita

So, Was it a hit?

I always test my recipes on other people before sharing them here (ie. feed my friends) just to make sure they are good. Rest assured, anything that makes its way onto Threads & Blooms goes through a rigorous vetting process during which it has to receive a unanimous thumbs up before being photographed and posted. Well, until this recipe. Which, aside from MY thumbs up, received a unanimous thumbs down. You win some, you lose some, they say!

It was a Thursday afternoon and my friend Adriana had some time to kill between work and an event we were going to together that evening so she came over. ‘Perfect timing!’ I thought. I was making a cocktail and sharing with friends after testing them is always way more fun! That is until she so sweetly accepted my offer to make her a regular margarita instead. Um, exsqueeze me?

Then Dan came home later and excitedly took a sip (because he loves tequila cocktails too) just to say ‘Woah! What’s in that?’. So, despite the negative feedback, why am I still sharing this recipe anyway? Well, because they were quite simply the wrong people to test the recipe. They both just don’t like beets! So this time and this time only, I am posting a recipe that has only my vote of confidence behind it.

Moral of the story is this: if you don’t like beets you aren’t going to like this margarita. If you do like beets, you’re going to love this because it is beety, sour, sweet, and damn good.

Sincerely, a beet lover

Seasonal Tequila Cocktails - The Beetroot Ginger Margarita

Ingredients for the Beetroot Margarita:

  • 1 oz tequila
  • .5 oz triple sec
  • .5 oz ginger simple syrup
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 1 oz beet juice

To make the ginger simple syrup, combine 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of sugar in a small sauce pan. The quantity of the 2 substances that you combine is dependent on how much simple syrup you would like to yield and, regardless of volume, it is a 1:1 ratio of water to sugar. 1/2 cup of each will leave you with a yield that will make about 8 drinks. Heat the ingredients (do not boil) until the water is absorbed by the sugar and a syrup is formed- about 10 minutes with this amount of product. Slice 1 inch of cubed ginger into slices. Add the ginger to the mixture and let sit for 15 minutes for the syrup to absorb the ginger flavour.

Salt the rim of the glasses that you will be serving. To make the salt stick well I like to first coat the rim of the glasses with lime and little bit of honey for extra sweetness. Fill the glasses with ice.

In a cocktail shaker combine the simple syrup, tequila, triple sec, and fresh lime juice. Shake with ice until cold. Divide the drink into the glasses and then slowly top with 1 oz of pure beet juice. Garnish with a lime and serve.

Beet lovers rejoice!


Seasonal Tequila Cocktails - The Beetroot Ginger Margarita

I love these Marta Tasting Glasses from CB2 and they are such a deal and a nice size for cocktails!

Are you also a fan of tequila cocktails? One of my favourite margarita recipes is this Spicy Pineapple Margarita (and it did receive a unanimous thumbs up ;))!

Seasonal Tequila Cocktails - The Beetroot Ginger Margarita

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The post Beetroot & Ginger Margarita appeared first on Threads & Blooms.

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